50K Give(It All)Away

August 23, 2017

50K Give(It All)Away

A few months ago I was approaching 50K followers on Instagram and I was talking with my assistant about doing something fun for that big landmark. We love giveaways and discount codes and all that, but we wanted to switch gears a little bit with this one! We decided that we wanted to support a cause that’s close to our heart. So we dreamed up something big: our 50K Give(IT ALL)Away.

I’ve always heard that you should pay attention to the things that make you cry. Adoption is one of those things for me. I can hardly hear an adoption story without bawling my eyes out. I decided years ago that I would always be a voice of support and love to families walking through this beautiful and brutal process.


The 50K Give(IT ALL)Away

This Give(it all)Away is all about the story of adoption. How amazing would it be if we rallied this amazing community to help cover the cost of one special family’s adoption? So I created a brand new pillow exclusively for this 50K (plus a few) celebration, and all the profit from every single pillow sold will go toward helping to cover the costs of this family’s adoption.

photo via @thehambyhome

Ready to meet our special mama? Meet Courtney.

 I’ve been following Courtney’s adoption journey  for a long time. We’ve only ever met through  Social Media, but I feel so connected to her  story, which is such a testament to her  vulnerability and ability to create community  across thousands of miles.

    Courtney blogs over at The Hamby Home, and  is the BEST at dishing out beautiful and budget-  friendly home decor that is just stunning. Her  blog is inspiring, beautiful, and vulnerable. A  breath of fresh air. She’s written all about her  journey of infertility, deciding to adopt,  "maybe  babies" and miscarriages, and the heartbreak  involved with it all. This blog is real and raw and full of hope. I’ve spent so many hours reading Courtney’s posts, and there are almost always tears involved.

I created the “This Is Our Happy Place” pillow just for Courtney. It’s a pillow about home, family, and belonging. It’s a pillow that says whatever happens, whatever struggles you walk through, home will always be the happy place, a place of safety and hope. For this giveaway, for every single pillow sold, 100% of the proceeds will go straight to Courtney, to help cover the cost of her adoption. I’m sure you know that the costs of adoption can skyrocket to the tens of thousands. It’s a process that the Hamby’s have embarked on and I just want to rally this community and bless her like crazy!

photo via @thehambyhome

 I could do a giveaway to push for followers, or to give away free products, but this one isn’t about that. It’s not about pretty pictures and growing numbers. It’s about pulling a community together to do something amazing. For this one, there’s nothing in it for us (besides pretty pillows). We’re just going to go crazy getting the word out, and help Courtney feel encouraged and supported by LOTS of people.


Here are a couple ways that you can participate in this giveaway:

  1. Buy a pillow! 100% of the proceeds will go straight to Courtney. It’s perfect as a gift for anyone with an adoption story!
  2. Repost one of the graphics below! Include a link to the pillow or tag me @linenandivory


Courtney and I got to chat this week, and we talked about all things adoption and home decor. Here’s a little taste of our conversation!

Your nursery is gorgeous. How did you go about styling this room?

I’ve been dreaming of a nursery since we started trying to grow our family years ago. I knew I wanted a classic and “timeless” looking nursery and always knew I wanted a white iron crib. It slowly evolved after finding the perfect one. We added shiplap and other neutral touches since we are adopting and didn't have a gender preference. I loved mixing vintage, new, DIY and repurposed items to create a space that was totally "me". It was such a fun room to work on as we wait for our baby.


What advice would you give to families about to embark on the adoption journey?

I can't stress enough how much you need a good support system. We have been blessed with such amazing family, friends and strangers that have supported us through prayer, encouragement, financial support and more. We wouldn’t have gotten through this journey without that support. It's been a long and tough journey but we know will be so worth it!


How have you been preparing to bring a new baby into your home?

We have been slowly collecting everything we need for a baby since we decided to adopt because adoption is so unpredictable and we didn't know when we might get a call for a baby! Whether it's been shopping sales, buying second hand or thrifting, we have most of the big items needed for a baby. We were just blessed by family and friends with a beautiful baby shower and got so many great items to make sure we have everything we need for our baby.


How do you describe your home decor style?

It's tough to categorize my style but I guess I'd say traditional rustic is the closest way to categorize it. We have a very traditional home but I love decorating with rustic elements and vintage pieces.


What's your favorite Linen & Ivory pillow?

My favorite pillow right now has to be the strawberry botanical pillow. I have it in my living room now and it was so perfect with our Turkish rug!

What's your favorite place to shop for home decor?

I love shopping at thrift stores, estate sales and flea markets to find unique finds that add character to our home.



Ready to get this party started?

Okay, ready, set, GO!

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