Farmhouse Christmas Decor Inspiration
Can you believe we’ve almost made it to the HOLIDAY season?! How did that happen so quick? I mean, I’m not complaining. I’m absolutely guilty of decorating my home for Christmas way before Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite time of year, and it’s the ultimate form of cozy. I go all out. Decorating every room, multiple trees, Christmas PJ’s, all the family outings. It’s a little over the top but I just couldn’t imagine it any other way.
So, naturally, Christmas season is my favorite time of year at Linen & Ivory too. I love seeing how people decorate, and creating new designs for people to fill their homes with. It’s a busy time, but it’s so fun.
Today I want to give you a tour of my favorite Christmas pillows. We have pillows for every style and occasion (Hanukkah? I got you.), and these pillows are perfect for adding some festive and mostly neutral additions to your holiday decor. Enjoy this photoshoot that I did with my friend Ashley from House of Five!
(make sure you scroll all the way down for a fun surprise!)
What’s your favorite pillow? There are so many, it’s hard for me to pick! Okay here’s your little surprise. You might remember that a few months ago I did a contest for fall pillow designs. I asked all of you to submit your original artwork, and I was going to pick one pillow to add to my shop. Um, it was a nice thought. I liked SO MANY of them. So I added a lot. And decided to do these contests more often!
So it’s time for a Christmas Pillow Design Contest! Here’s how it works. Send in your original designs to me at by November 11th!!!, You can send in graphic design, paintings, drawing, calligraphy, anything you think. No rules here. Just send along a hi-resolution picture and you’ll be in the running to win! The winner will receive a $100 Linen and Ivory gift card, a pillow cover with YOUR design on it, and a personalized listing in my shop for your pillow design. It’s SO fun. I’m so excited to see what all of you come up with!
Xo, Kendra
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