Farmhouse Christmas Decor Inspiration

November 02, 2017

Farmhouse Christmas Decor Inspiration

Can you believe we’ve almost made it to the HOLIDAY season?! How did that happen so quick? I mean, I’m not complaining. I’m absolutely guilty of decorating my home for Christmas way before Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite time of year, and it’s the ultimate form of cozy. I go all out. Decorating every room, multiple trees, Christmas PJ’s, all the family outings. It’s a little over the top but I just couldn’t imagine it any other way.

So, naturally, Christmas season is my favorite time of year at Linen & Ivory too. I love seeing how people decorate, and creating new designs for people to fill their homes with. It’s a busy time, but it’s so fun.

Today I want to give you a tour of my favorite Christmas pillows. We have pillows for every style and occasion (Hanukkah? I got you.), and these pillows are perfect for adding some festive and mostly neutral additions to your holiday decor. Enjoy this photoshoot that I did with my friend Ashley from House of Five!

(make sure you scroll all the way down for a fun surprise!)






























What’s your favorite pillow? There are so many, it’s hard for me to pick! Okay here’s your little surprise. You might remember that a few months ago I did a contest for fall pillow designs. I asked all of you to submit your original artwork, and I was going to pick one pillow to add to my shop. Um, it was a nice thought. I liked SO MANY of them. So I added a lot. And decided to do these contests more often!

So it’s time for a Christmas Pillow Design Contest! Here’s how it works. Send in your original designs to me at kendra@linenandivory.com by November 11th!!!, You can send in graphic design, paintings, drawing, calligraphy, anything you think. No rules here. Just send along a hi-resolution picture and you’ll be in the running to win! The winner will receive a $100 Linen and Ivory gift card, a pillow cover with YOUR design on it, and a personalized listing in my shop for your pillow design. It’s SO fun. I’m so excited to see what all of you come up with!

Xo, Kendra



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